Star Trek Auction Listings

IAW #4984


3c89eed2169a5d3bfe3292ed97c0f8ce dc9954b61c7896668de33516fb1d032c

eBay Listing

EBAY#: 140144566238 START: 2007-08-03 15:28:00 (week 34)
END: 2007-08-10 15:28:00
BIDS: 8PRICE: $88.77assumedsuccess
A costume featured in the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode “Progress”; wherein a farmer and his friends refuse to leave their dwelling on one of Bajor's moons even though it is going to be made uninhabitable because of a plan by the Provisional Government to use the molten core to generate energy. This costume is for wear by Terrence Evans in the role of one of the Bajorans that resisted relocating from the moon, “Baltrim”, and is a long-sleeved, orange and black checkered shirt, a stained, light brown, vest made of pieces of leather stitched together with leather cording, brown and black houndstooth trousers that have had the overall straps cut out, large leather kneepads in the same piecemeal fashion, and stirrups for the feet. A sewn in tag in each garment denotes wear by a different person but all three items were found together and the costumer’s tag reads ‘DS9 415, Baltrim, Terrence Evans’.